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Victoria Hanley
The Seer and the Sword

The Audio Book
Narrator: Adam Hartshorn
Elsa's review of The Seer and The Sword.
(5 Stars)
"Everything about the story was
so perfect and full of imagination."

Violet Wings Trilogy
Kristen Harvey review of Violet Wings (5 Stars)
I found myself engrossed in the novel.

Veronica review of Indigo Magic (5 Stars)
I liked this book very much. It was fast paced and didn't seem to lag from beginning to end.

Anna's review of Sapphire Secret (5 Stars)
Loved this book! The whole series
was amazing.


David Bergstrom review of The Light Of The Oracle
(4 Stars)
A page turner for me. Hanley does a great job in creating believable characters who you want to be all they can be. Also love that goodness and love triumph in the end

Contact Victoria:
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